Using Nature for Art

The outdoors can be beautiful to look at but can also create beautiful things, here are a few ideas to help release your artistic side. 

Frozen art

Perfect for this cold snap we are about to have and so simple to do. Simple add a few ‘treasures’, ribbon or string and some water to a dish and leave outside to freeze over night. 

Natures paint

Who needs paint when you can find things in nature to do the job for you? 
Mud of course (it can be used for anything!) is so readily available and can be used so easily. Use on paper or leave you masterpieces in situ for others to enjoy. 

Grass, leaves, berries, moss, anything that can be squished and squeezed can be used as paint, see what you can find and have a go. 

Sun catchers 

A little more effort with this one but we have had ours hanging up in the kitchen for ages now and it still looks lovely.

Find a bendy twig, willow or hazel are great for this, and bend it into a circle. If you are super clever you will get it to hold the shape itself by twisting it on itself, or you could cheat like we did and use string to hold it in place! The leaves are stuck between 2 sheets of sticky back cover plastic, it works best if the ‘treasures’ are dry when you stick them.  Then cut to shape, make a few holes around the edge and thread the string to tie it in place. Hang it in a sunny spot and watch the colours of the leaves come alive in the sun. 

Let your artistic flair fly and don’t forget to share any creations you make on my Facebook page @theoutdoorsymum 

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